Are you supposed to get another COVID shot?

Are you supposed to get another COVID shot?

Hey, remember that time we all stayed home from school and work and yelled at each other on zoom and forgot how to wear real pants? You could be forgiven for blocking it out. COVID-19 fatigue—the stress, the masks, the politics—is REAL and ongoing. Which could explain...
How to (medically?) extract an earworm

How to (medically?) extract an earworm

OK, so maybe we wouldn’t classify this as a medical problem, but when you get one … it sure isn’t great.  We’re talking about earworms, those songs that get stuck in your head. When you’re driving, when you’re in the shower, when you wake up in the middle of the...
Are you taking too many sleeping pills?

Are you taking too many sleeping pills?

The number of adults taking meds to help them sleep doubled in the last decade or so, according to the CDC. Clearly a lot of us are tossing and turning in our beds and waking up even more tired the next day.  But why? Research is pointing the finger at pain or...
Don’t gamble with the flu this year

Don’t gamble with the flu this year

Numbers vary, but with some 50,000 deaths a year, flu is a leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the CDC—far less than diabetes, but more than nephritis.  So how did it come to be regarded as “just” the flu? Up to 20% of us can expect to get the flu...
Baby, it’s (not) cold outside

Baby, it’s (not) cold outside

Don’t know if you’ve noticed … it’s hot outside. Recently it’s been VERY hot. And depending on what you have to get done during the day, the heat can either be a minor annoyance or a big danger.  Danger No. 1 if you get too hot for your body to handle: heat...
Warm weather mythbusters

Warm weather mythbusters

Base tan, schmase tan Real quick before school lets out, one last lesson: Some of your summertime knowledge might need some updating.  Do mosquitos just leave some people alone? Will lunch right before a jump in the deep end spell your doom? Is the first burn of...
What were we talking about? … Oh yeah, brain fog …

What were we talking about? … Oh yeah, brain fog …

So not to alarm you, but an estimated 37% of people who get COVID-19 will just keep on having it … maybe for years.  Well, not COVID exactly, but symptoms that can really suck nonetheless—like brain fog.  Web MD, everyone’s favorite place to visit in the...
Focus on Black health this February

Focus on Black health this February

2022’s Black History Month theme is health and wellness, which is obviously a topic close to our hearts.  COVID-19 brought into even greater relief the fact that Black people in the United States experience disparities in their health care that can lessen the...