by ryanj.sparrow | Apr 27, 2023
Hey, remember that time we all stayed home from school and work and yelled at each other on zoom and forgot how to wear real pants? You could be forgiven for blocking it out. COVID-19 fatigue—the stress, the masks, the politics—is REAL and ongoing. Which could explain...
by ryanj.sparrow | Feb 15, 2023
The number of adults taking meds to help them sleep doubled in the last decade or so, according to the CDC. Clearly a lot of us are tossing and turning in our beds and waking up even more tired the next day. But why? Research is pointing the finger at pain or...
by ryanj.sparrow | Dec 21, 2022
Numbers vary, but with some 50,000 deaths a year, flu is a leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the CDC—far less than diabetes, but more than nephritis. So how did it come to be regarded as “just” the flu? Up to 20% of us can expect to get the flu...
by ryanj.sparrow | Oct 4, 2022
Cindy turns 68, and she’s not retiring—not yet, thank goodness There’s something about birthdays that can make you philosophical, looking back on your life with the benefit of hindsight and asking yourself if you made the right decisions. Our co-founder, office...
by ryanj.sparrow | Aug 18, 2022
Don’t know about you, but we’re kind of over international health disasters. Even people who did their best to shield themselves and others from COVID-19 got tired as it dragged on into its third year. Tired in their BONES. So you might be excused if you haven’t...